Timing is Everything: Why Summer Could Be the Best Time to Sell A Home

During the pandemic’s peak, the housing market saw a disruption of the usual seasonal patterns, with high demand making any time a good time to sell. However, as the market stabilizes, timing has regained its importance for home sellers.

Traditionally, late spring and early summer have been considered the optimal time to sell, as per a 2022 report by ATTOM Data Solutions, which states that sellers can expect to make thousands of dollars more by selling during the peak months of May, June, and July, compared to the slowest months of October and December.

When is the Best Time to Sell a House?

If you plan on selling your home, ATTOM says that it is during the summer season the best time to sell your home in the Philippines, specifically in the month of May.

Summer is also a good time in selling a home because who would want to walk on a rainy day looking for their next home? House searching is convenient in the summer!

Summer Real Estate Selling Tips

As a seller, you need to take note of a few ideas for selling your home on the market. Here are summer home-selling tips you should know:

Summer Real Estate Selling Tips #1: Prepare the Home’s Exterior for the Summer

The exterior is one of the most important areas a seller must focus on when selling a home in the summer. A neglected exterior may take longer to sell and is more likely to be sold for less than it should.

To enhance the exterior and curb appeal of a home for a summer sale, several steps can be taken, including:

  • Mowing the lawn to maintain a neat and tidy appearance.
  • Watering the lawn to prevent a burnt look and keep it lush and green.
  • Trimming bushes and shrubs to maintain their shape and size.
  • Watering plants and flowers to prevent wilting and keeping them looking fresh.
  • Weeding and mulching flower beds to keep them looking tidy and well-maintained.
  • Touching up any peeling paint on the exterior of the home to make it look well-cared for.
  • Cleaning and/or painting the front door to make it look inviting and attractive.
  • Sealing the driveway to keep it looking new and to prevent damage from weather and wear.

Declutter Your Home

Summer Real Estate Selling Tips #2: Highlight the Outdoor Living Space

When it comes to selling a home during the summer, don’t forget to spruce up the outdoor living space! Since summer is often a short season in many areas, buyers tend to make the most of it by spending time outside. So, having a killer outdoor area can really impress potential buyers.

Make sure to showcase your outdoor space in a way that helps buyers envision themselves relaxing and having fun outside. If you’ve got a great BBQ area or a spacious patio, show it off! Highlighting how awesome your home is for entertaining guests can get buyers excited and eager to make an offer.

Summer Real Estate Selling Tips #3: Check What Needs to be Repaired in the Home First

Potential buyers are easily turned off if they see any problems in the home. For instance, if a home has an old roof with visible damage, the homeowner will lose a fair amount of money from the sale.

One of the most valuable tips for selling your home is to make necessary repairs before listing your home for sale. If you complete your repairs to your property before listing it for sale, you will not only end up with a higher sale but also lessen the chances that your buyer will ask for repairs.

Some examples of necessary repairs include damaged siding, damaged roofs, and broken windows. Make sure that your home is free from any damages so the buyer can focus on all the positives of your home.

Summer Real Estate Selling Tips #4: Keep Your Home Cool

Summer is the hottest season of the year, and what way for a homeowner to be relaxed other than keeping the home cool? It is a plus if your home has a central air conditioning unit, otherwise, it’s still essential to keep your home cool.

Other ways to keep your home cool are to install window air conditioners, turn on ceiling fans, keep the lights off, and have blinds drawn. But if your home has a central AC, make sure that it is working well.

Summer Real Estate Selling Tips #5: Declutter Your Home

Having personal belongings like family photos or children’s report cards on display can be a distraction for potential buyers when viewing a home. Some buyers may be more interested in the owner’s family than the actual features of the home, and it could affect their decision-making process. So, depersonalizing a home is not only a great way to avoid distracting buyers, but it’s also a safety tip to follow when selling a home.

Decluttering is highly recommended when selling a home, regardless of the season. When preparing a home for sale during the summer, it’s a good idea to evaluate your belongings and determine what you actually need to live comfortably while selling your home. If you can do without some items, consider moving them into storage, the basement, or the garage. Decluttering is an excellent budget-friendly tip for staging a home to appeal to potential buyers.

Highlight the Outdoor Living Space

Summer Real Estate Selling Tips #6: Stage Your Home That Reflects Summertime

When you have a new home, staging it to reflect the time of the year can be a smart move, especially if you’re in the process of selling your home and looking to maximize your return on investment. It’s important to note that staging alone won’t necessarily sell your home, but it can certainly make a difference in how potential buyers perceive your home and the overall impression it leaves on them.

Some homeowners make the mistake of believing that staging is an absolute requirement, but that’s not always the case. In fact, when choosing a real estate agent to sell your home, don’t solely focus on their staging designation. Instead, consider their experience and track record of selling homes in your area during the current time of the year.

If you’re selling your home during the summer, taking advantage of summer staging tips such as incorporating bright flowers and summer scents can make your home stand out without breaking the bank. Remember, the goal of staging is to enhance the appearance of your home, not to spend a lot of money on expensive decor.

Hire a Real Estate Agent

When you want to sell your home, choosing a top real estate agent is vital to the success of the sale, regardless of the time of the year. This summer, there are dozens of reasons why having a top agent in your corner cannot be understated. In most real estate markets across the world, there are thousands of agents to choose from, so knowing how to interview them is crucial. Asking the right questions can be the difference between making the right choice and the wrong one.

What are some of the most important things to ask real estate agents and to consider when selling your home during the summer? Below are just 5 of the most important to do!

  1. What real estate marketing strategies actually sell homes?
  2. Do you use those marketing strategies?
  3. What methods do you use to determine what price to recommend to your sellers?
  4. What is your list price to sale price ratio?
  5. On average, how long do your listings take to sell?

One key takeaway is that not all real estate agents are the same, even those who work for the same company. Each agent uses different techniques to price and market a home, among other things, so choose carefully.

Hire a Real Estate Agent

Brittany Homes have the Perfect Home in the Summer

Summer is a great time of year to sell your home. Summer season can be a great opportunity to attract potential buyers who are looking to move before the start of the new school year or before the colder months arrive. With the right preparation and strategies in place, selling your home during the summer can be a successful and profitable experience.

At Brittany Corporation, we understand the importance of selling your home at the right time of the year and with the right approach. Our team of experienced real estate agents can guide you through the process of selling your home during the summer, and help you get the best possible price for your property.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards your next dream home. You may visit our LinkedIn and Youtube accounts to see our brand-new houses perfect for the summertime.

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