Economic Considerations of Buying a Beach House

For many people, purchasing a beach house has been a lifelong dream. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or a luxury condotel in Boracay, there’s something special about having your slice of paradise by the sea. But why do people want to purchase a beach house in the first place?

Beach houses are popular vacation destinations, but they can be more than just a place to relax. They can also be a smart investment, such as having a luxury real estate property. This blog will discuss the financial aspects of buying a beach house, so you can determine if this is the best option for you.

Factors to Consider Before Purchasing a Beach House

Purchasing a beach house can be an exciting and fulfilling investment; however, before making a purchase, it is essential to weigh the upsides as well as the downsides.


The main reason for buying a beach house is to enjoy the beach lifestyle.It’s ideal to be in close proximity to the beach, so you can easily walk or ride your bike there. This will make it easier for you to enjoy the beach whenever you want, without having to worry about transportation or parking.

The weather patterns in the area can also have a significant impact on your beach house. You should research the weather patterns in the area and find out if the location is prone to hurricanes, tropical storms, or flooding. You should also find out if the house is in a flood zone and what measures have been taken to protect the property from flooding.

Is it good to buy a beachfront property?

Beach Home

Buying a beachfront property in the Philippines can be a good investment, nonetheless, before making a purchase, it’s wise to weigh the benefits and drawbacks.

One advantage of owning a beachfront property in the Philippines is the potential for appreciation in value over time. As the country’s economy continues to grow and tourism increases, demand for beachfront properties could rise, leading to higher property values.


Price is often one of the most important factors in buying a beach house because it is a significant financial investment. Beach houses are typically expensive, and the cost can vary significantly depending on location, size, amenities, and other factors.

What time of the year is best to buy a beach house?

The best time to buy a beach house in the Philippines can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as location, market trends, and personal circumstances.


When buying a beach house, amenities are one of the most important factors because they can greatly impact the overall enjoyment and value of the property. Amenities include things like access to the beach and ocean views, a swimming pool and hot tub, outdoor living spaces, a large kitchen and updated appliances.

Property taxes

In the Philippines, property taxes are levied annually by the local government and are based on the assessed value of the property especially the luxury leisure developments in Boracay.

The amount of property tax that a homeowner will need to pay can vary depending on the location of the property, its assessed value, and other factors such as local tax rates and exemptions. It’s important to understand the property tax laws and rates in the specific area where the beach house is located so that you can accurately calculate the ongoing costs of owning the property.


Beachfront properties, in particular, are vulnerable to the frequent typhoons, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions that plague the Philippines.

Having the right insurance coverage can protect you from financial losses due to these events. For example, a comprehensive home insurance policy can cover damage to the structure of the beach house, as well as personal property inside the house.In the event that someone is hurt on your property, liability insurance can help cover medical expenses.

Maintenance and repairs

Saltwater, sand, and wind can all cause damage to a beach house over time, making maintenance and repairs critical to ensuring the property’s long-term viability and value. Some common maintenance tasks for beach houses in the Philippines may include cleaning and sealing exterior surfaces, maintaining HVAC systems, and replacing damaged or corroded materials.

In addition to regular maintenance, buyers should also consider the cost of repairs and renovations when evaluating a potential beach house purchase. If the property requires significant repairs or upgrades, it can significantly increase the overall cost of ownership.

Rental income

Beachside Property

The Philippines is a popular tourist destination, particularly for beach vacations. As such, there may be a high demand for rental properties, especially during peak tourist season. By renting out a beach home, owners may be able to generate significant rental income, which can help cover the cost of ownership, including mortgage payments, property taxes, and maintenance expenses.

Additionally, rental income can help owners recoup some of the initial investment in the property and potentially provide a return on investment over time. This can make owning a beach house in the Philippines a more financially viable option for some buyers.

Financing Options for a Beach House

Financing a beach home can be a significant financial commitment, but there are several options available for buyers to consider. Here are some of the most common financing options for a beach house:

Mortgage options

Buying a beach home in the Philippines is a significant investment, and buyers have several financing options available to them. One of the most common options is a mortgage loan, which allows buyers to borrow money to purchase the property and repay the loan over time with interest. Mortgage loans are typically offered by banks and other lending institutions and come in different types, including fixed-rate mortgages, adjustable-rate mortgages, and balloon mortgages.

To qualify for a mortgage loan, buyers must meet specific requirements such as a good credit score, stable income, and sufficient down payment. The down payment amount required varies depending on the lender and type of loan, but buyers should expect to put down at least 20% of the purchase price. Buyers are advised to shop around and compare loan offers from different lenders to find the best terms and interest rates. Buyers can save time and effort by employing a mortgage broker to assist them in comparing loan options and determining which one will best meet their needs. Before committing to a mortgage, buyers should carefully consider the terms of the loan and ensure that the investment is financially feasible.

Down payment requirements

Buyers have several financing options when purchasing a beach home, but down payment requirements is a crucial factor to consider. Lenders generally require a larger down payment for beach houses due to their higher-risk nature, with down payments ranging from 20% to a higher percentage depending on several factors such as the lender, buyer’s credit score, and property location. Buyers who cannot provide a large down payment may opt for alternative financing options like a second mortgage or home equity line of credit (HELOC). It’s essential to work with a trusted lender and real estate professional to make an informed financial decision.

Interest rates

Interest rates for financing options for a beach house can vary depending on several factors, including the borrower’s creditworthiness, the size of the down payment, the type of loan, and the current market conditions.

Generally, second-home mortgages and vacation-home mortgages have higher interest rates than primary residences. Fixed-rate mortgages are popular with beach-house owners because they provide a predictable monthly payment over the life of the loan.

Homeowner’s Insurance

There are several types of homeowner’s insurance policies available for a beach home, and each may offer different levels of coverage. A standard homeowner’s insurance policy typically covers damages to the property and personal belongings caused by perils such as fire, lightning, and theft. However, it may not cover damages caused by flooding or hurricanes, which are common risks associated with beach houses.

If you want to ensure that the beach house is adequately protected, you may need to check out additional insurance policies, such as flood insurance and windstorm insurance. Flood insurance is typically required if the beach house is located in a designated flood zone. Windstorm insurance provides coverage for damages caused by hurricanes or other wind-related events.

Economic Risks of Owning a Beach Home


Owning a beach home can offer a luxurious lifestyle, but it also comes with various economic risks that should be considered. Some of the significant economic risks of owning a beach home are:

Natural Disasters

Beach homes are often located in areas prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes, flooding, and storms. The damage caused by such events can be severe, leading to costly repairs and replacements. This can significantly impact the value of the property and the overall investment.

Maintenance Costs

The Beach homes require regular maintenance due to exposure to saltwater, sand, and wind. This can lead to higher maintenance costs than a typical home, which can impact the overall cost of ownership.

Seasonal Rental Income

Many beach homeowners rent out their properties during the peak season to generate additional income. However, the demand for beach rentals can fluctuate due to various factors such as the economy, weather, and other events. This can impact the rental income and the overall return on investment.

Property Value Fluctuations

The value of beach homes can be affected by various economic factors such as interest rates, housing market trends, and local economic conditions. Property values can fluctuate, leading to a potential loss of investment value.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, purchasing a beach home, such as Brittany Boracay, can be a sound investment for those who are financially prepared and willing to take on the responsibilities of ownership. Before taking the plunge, it is important to carefully consider all the economic factors involved, such as location, price, financing options, insurance, and maintenance costs.

As a leading real estate developer in the Philippines, Brittany Corporation understands the economic benefits and risks of owning a beach home. Working with a trustworthy real estate agent who is knowledgeable about the local market and available financing options is highly recommended. We also encourage buyers to research the area’s history of natural disasters and assess the property’s potential for rental income.

By working with Brittany Salesforce and carefully assessing the economic factors involved, potential buyers can make an informed decision about whether a beach home is the right investment for them.