Spring Cleaning Tips to Guide You This 2023

Spring is traditionally the season of regeneration following the stillness of winter, regardless of the time of year you take on the chore. Spring cleaning both the inside and outside of our houses is a great way to refresh and revitalize them.

Photo of a woman in a white shirt and yellow gloves cleaning a wooden cabinet

We start making our to-do list, double-checking it, and stocking up on all the supplies needed for a thorough floor-to-ceiling spring clean as soon as the first sign of spring appears.


What does Spring Cleaning means?

The term “spring cleaning” refers to a comprehensive interior cleaning of your complete house, from top to bottom, room by room. To spring clean means to remove dirt from your ceiling all the way to your floor. A complete cleanup covers locations you do not clean on a daily basis, such as cleaning beneath rugs and furniture, on top of bookshelves, and so forth. It is a very broad definition that include cleaning and dusting every piece of furniture and surface, as well as organizing and getting rid of unnecessary items.

Photo of a woman using a vacuum to clean a living room

When does Spring Cleaning starts?

For thorough housecleaning, different cultures have different practices. The spring clean-up may begin as early as March 1 and may last until the end of April.


Spring Cleaning Checklist

  1. Lean into your cleaning personality

While some people procrastinate on their chores, others are stress cleaners. The first step in creating a strategy or routine that works for you is figuring out your cleaning personality.

Chore Avoider

Give yourself incentives to complete the cleaning if you tend to put it off because you detest doing it. Do abrasive substances make you queasy? Get cleaning supplies that are natural and scented with palatable essential oils (or make them yourself).

Cleaning Pladder

Do you always start cleaning when you have some free time? Frequent, mild cleaning has several advantages. It helps you maintain a clean, healthy home and keeps you from having to deal with enormous cleanups that take all day.

Make a list of even these tiny activities and cross them off as you finish them. Nevertheless, this might also result in the impression that you are “never done.” You’ll frequently experience the satisfaction of “getting that done” in this way.

Angry Cleaner

Your cleaning becomes ten times more effective as a result of how you direct your anger. Use this extra energy if you want to (punching the person you’re furious with is better), but don’t save all your cleaning for when you’re upset. You don’t want to equate cleaning with fury or rely on being furious to get things done around the house.

  1. In preparation, First get rid of clutter

Outdated clothing, damaged toys, dated paperwork, and perishable foods can all be considered clutter. Getting rid of any clutter before you begin your spring cleaning can make each room easier to clean.

  1. Prepare your equipment

Make sure your equipment is prepared by checking the roller bars for threads on your vacuum cleaner, emptying the bag or bin, and changing the filters. Make sure you have all the required vacuum attachments, as well as clean, usable mop heads and cleaning rags.

  1. Have a plan

You can determine how comprehensive your cleaning has to be by setting a goal before you begin. Once you know what you hope to accomplish by clearing the clutter, it will be simpler to get started.

  1. Put everyone to work and have some fun

Everyone who is able should participate in spring cleaning because it benefits everyone who lives there. Younger children can help by dusting floor vents and baseboards, and older children can clean entire rooms if you give them written instructions.

  1. Give to others

Everybody has things they no longer use but that others could use. A decent rule of thumb is to get rid of anything you haven’t used in the last year and create a donation box.

  1. Keep cleaning supplies clean and simple

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be difficult. To accomplish a comprehensive spring cleaning, all you actually need is a few essentials like dish soap, baking soda, and an all-purpose cleaning spray.

TIP: Before you begin, make sure your vacuum, cleaning supplies, scrub brushes, dusters, and cleaning cloths are all clean to avoid spreading dirt.

  1. Organize the Fridge

For large families, large refrigerators are fantastic, but they may quickly become cluttered. Use roll-out refrigerator containers to group tiny items together, remove the packaging from multipacks of drinks and single-serve yogurts, and rotate older food items to the front before adding new foods to keep your fridge organized. This will help prevent food waste.

  1. Keep storage spaces organized

All of your belongings should first be sorted into three piles: keep, donate, and toss. After removing the things for donation and disposal, give the floor a thorough vacuuming. Then start organizing the items you plan to keep. To maximize floor space, group smaller things by product type in labeled bins and store them on shelves along the walls.

  1. Wipe down the walls

Wipe painted walls off with a clean, moist microfiber cloth or microfiber mop to remove greasy fingerprints, dust, and stains. Always start at the top and work your way down; extra points if you also wipe the doorframes and baseboards. Do spot cleanings with a damp microfiber cloth anytime you see stains or marks in between springtime deep cleans. Bathroom tile walls may be cleaned in the same way, though you might want to use a disinfecting bathroom cleanser in addition to the damp microfiber cloth to get rid of any bacteria.

  1. Freshen up musty carpets

Use a portable carpet cleaner with a spinning brush to give your carpets a quick refresh between deep cleanings. Sprinkle baking soda or carpet deodorizer on your carpet to get rid of odors. Work the baking soda into your carpet with a soft brush, then leave it for 15 to 30 minutes to dry. Using a brand-new bag or clean dirt cup, vacuum the baking soda out of the carpet.

  1. Steam clean the microwave

One of the simplest spring cleaning activities is cleaning the microwave. To assist in eliminating food odors, simply boil some water and add lemon slices.

  1. Make stainless steel sparkle

Spray bottles should be filled with simple water and undiluted distilled white vinegar in the other (be sure to label it clearly). Use vinegar with a sprayer to stainless steel sinks or appliances, then use a microfiber cloth to remove streaks. Rinse the surfaces with water, and dry well to prevent streaks.

  1. Dust those ceiling fixtures

The goal of spring cleaning is to focus on the areas you neglect during the year. Attack ceiling fans, hanging and recessed lights, moldings, and more with an extending duster. To avoid having to vacuum your floors twice, be sure to begin your cleaning here, from top to bottom.

  1. Unclog the showerheads

It turns out that vinegar is sufficient to clean your showerhead. Use distilled white vinegar to remove the mineral buildup that is blocking the water jets to fix sputtering showerheads.

  1. Replace air conditioner filters

Before you start using your window and HVAC air conditioners frequently in the summer, spring is an excellent time to clean or replace the filters. If your unit’s filters are washable, it is essential to check with the manufacturer for the recommended cleaning procedure.

  1. Scrub trash cans

The only way to prevent odors from entering your home when garbage bags break is to wash your trash bin. Clean the inside of your garbage can using a sponge and your preferred dish soap after hosing it down. Clean it thoroughly, then dry it with a microfiber cloth or let it air dry before bringing it back to your kitchen. Use a sanitizing wipe or spray on a regular basis to keep food drips and pieces off the trash can’s outside.

Photo a woman cleaning a table with a cloth