Why Rich People Still Read the Newspaper?
In this day and age wherein digital media is taking over the minds of a lot of people, there is a special class of people who still read the newspaper: the rich. You might think that affluent people have advanced gadgets for everything that they do because they can very well afford them.
You will be surprised to know, though, that, unlike most people, they prefer the newsprint to the screen when it comes to reading the news.
This makes sense because the newspaper has preserved a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that is difficult to obtain elsewhere. Newspaper is an easy way to satisfy one’s curiosity while reading the news allows you to be informed of what is going on in the world and how the government is responding to any crises by reminding readers about the events of even decades back.

For the affluent, the newspaper never went out of style. | Photo from Masterfile
This brings the question — why? Reading news and updates can be done easier using a mobile phone, which is handy and portable. Mobile phones also offer different ways to enjoy the news: you can read it, listen to it, or watch it. Who needs television and a newspaper subscription, when your smartphone can do things better?
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No Distractions

Focus on just the news by reading it on paper. | Photo from Flickr
You can get distracted when you are doing literally anything on your mobile device. You may be familiar with the scenario, wherein you opened your phone to search for something, but then without noticing it, you got distracted by a notification, a message, or an app that you open every now and then out of habit.
Aside from making you use up more of your precious time, using your phone can even make you forget why you opened it in the first place. This is the first reason rich people still read the newspaper. By reading on paper, chances of getting distracted are slim, because it’s news and quality content anywhere you look.
Focus on the important and ignore the rest. | Photo by Roman Kraft via Unsplash
Whereas your phone offers you options on what to do, the newspaper offers you choices on which news to read first. You can choose politics, entertainment, some rich people reads, but never play a game or respond to a message.
Rich people would know what it is like to achieve a goal, and all the things that are worth it require focus. They display such values whenever they choose to read on paper rather than on screen.
Phones can make you forget why you opened them in the first place. | Photo from Reuters
They also have no need to flaunt their new mobile phones, unlike people who are just trying to look rich, so reading the newspaper is more their style. This way, they get more information in less time.
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Always a Reliable Source
The age of digital media paved the way for a lot of developments, but also for fake news, sadly. Scrolling on your social media profiles, it can be hard to discern what is real from what is fake. Reading the newspaper eliminates this problem because everything in it underwent rigorous checking and has to be true.
Avoid fake news by sticking with the newspaper. | Photo from Social Simulator
Rich people are likely to be educated, so they would know which sources to trust. Instead of watching spliced and manipulated videos, looking at edited pictures, or relying on memes for vital information, they only trust the best sources for their daily dose of news and rich people reads. Important people do not waste time with sources that are just hard to trust, so instead of getting their news elsewhere, the newspaper is their go-to for daily updates.
Exclusive Content
The internet boasts about having a lot of information in it readily available for anyone who is willing to venture into it. While this is mostly true, newspapers still have an edge over digital sources, because there are contents like some rich people read that one can only see in the newspaper.
And even if these things are available on the internet, chances are you will not really look them up. The newspaper presents these things to you without you having to ask for them, reminding you of the important things
The newspaper’s business section will always be one of the rich people reads. | Photo from Broadrally
Some of the contents that are better consumed, or in some cases can only be consumed, in the newspaper are the business section, classified ads, obituaries, the funny section, and crossword puzzles, among others.
The business section, for example, is one of the rich people reads that the newspaper can offer. There are articles on the internet about business updates, yes, but you will not see these usually unless you look them up specifically.
Business news does not normally trend on social media, so you will also be having a hard time seeing them just by scrolling down through your online feed.
Stay sharp with crossword puzzles. | Photo from Getty Images
The crossword puzzle is also an important part of the newspaper because it can keep you smart and entertained, as you fill those boxes day by day. Martha Stewart is known to answer crossword puzzles in the newspaper every day, so there really is no wonder how she manages to stay sharp after all these years.
The editorial also offers solid and informed opinions about current events. With the boom of social media, literally, anyone can express his opinion online, and while this is good, it also has its downsides. Not everybody who expresses his view is a subject matter expert, and people who do not know better may fall for words that are not even based on facts.
By reading the editorial, you can be sure that it is an informed opinion that you are reading. It also does not hurt that editorial cartoonists have managed to stay creative through the years, providing readers with insightful caricatures.
The editorial cartoon, one of the things that makes the newspaper distinct from other sources. | Photo from Medium
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From avoiding fake news to getting some rich people to read, like the business section and new luxury Brittany properties, there are a lot of reasons to keep on reading one of the most reliable sources of information in the world, the newspaper. Nothing says rich better than a person taking the time in his day to just sit down and read the morning paper.

While most people would go with popular online sources and videos with a lot of views, you can go against the flow this 2022 and stick with the old-fashioned way that still works now. Reading the newspaper is definitely a lifestyle that pays off and rewards the reader.
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