The Digitalization of Sales with the Brittany Salesforce


The luxury real estate industry today is not the same as it was over the past years.  Pandemic restrictions forced a huge part of the business sector to find new ways to stay afloat. For many industries, including those that have been in the game for years, the only way to adapt was to downsize, if not to shut down their doors for good — but not in the real estate market. Luxury real estate investments remain resilient and growing amidst pandemics. That is why now more than ever, real estate marketers are being called toward enhanced marketing solutions to meet the growing and changing buyer behavior — and Brittany Salesforce (BSF) delivers through the digitalization of sales.

Photo of iMac on top of a wooden desk | Luxury Homes by Brittany Corporation

No matter the challenge, Brittany Salesforce stays true to its ethos: commitment, passion, and adaptability. | Photo from xx via Unsplash


As a forward-thinking group, it adapts to the dramatic shifts in the real estate landscape by strategically incorporating technology to stand out both in the digital and traditional real estate marketplace. Here’s how BSF used digitalization of sales strategies as a competitive edge in the ever-changing luxury real estate industry. 


3 Ways the Real Estate Marketing are Shifting in a Pandemic – and How BSF Adapts to the Digitalization of Sales

Increased Buyer Preference To High-Quality Video Marketing

When it comes to marketing anything, half the battle is getting the right audience to see an offering. A luxury house and lot, for instance, has a greater chance to sell when affluent homeowners or discerning investors see and experience the actual property firsthand compared to only seeing its photos or generic videos on real estate listings. In a pre-pandemic world, sales professionals effectively pull this off mainly through house trippings.  But the global pandemic transformed the way people view and buy luxury real estate.  COVID-19 surges and travel restrictions continue to limit face-to-face interactions. Most health-conscious buyers are also being more selective with property visits, challenging the way marketers close a deal. 

How the Brittany Salesforce adapts to the digitalization of sales: Putting more resources to video marketing. 

The aesthetics, ambiance, and features of a luxury house and lot are some of the biggest make or break in a property sale. Without actual trippings, there is a little to zero chance of getting a nod from a buyer. Fortunately, investing in top-notch video marketing can still allow sellers to digitally highlight key features of their offerings through virtual tours and well-produced videos of luxury properties. A potential investor will most likely be drawn and engage in video content because people are visual beings. The human eyes are naturally attracted to movement – especially to aesthetically pleasing ones. Current data shows that many homebuyers are now more open to virtual home buying tools like virtual tours, live-video trippings, and other video content when deciding to buy luxury properties. Marketers from the Brittany Salesforce adapt to this shift by quickly adapting the technology that caters to their client needs.

Virtual Tour: Come home to Eliot luxury house and lot in Brittany Sta. Rosa


High-quality videos for virtual tours, e-presentations, and digital promotions are readily available on E-Suite, right under the E-Sales Hub section. E-Suite is Brittany’s collaborative digital platform for sellers especially with the digitalization of sales. Featured listings on the E-Suite are divided by areas of the most beautiful houses in the Philippines – including Brittany Tagaytay, Brittany Alabang, and Brittany Sta. Rosa. Sellers easily showcase the compelling features and unique selling points of Brittany homes to their clients even without meeting face-to-face. Unlike 3D walkthroughs or still images, agent-led virtual walkthroughs can cover even minor details of a luxury house and lot, including the serene and luxurious themed communities that surround every Brittany home. Of course, homebuyers can still proceed with actual house trippings, later on, should they want to.

Community Walkthrough: What it is like to live amongst the 35,000 pine trees and breathtaking vistas of Crosswinds Tagaytay.


A Call For Stronger Social Media Presence

Traditionally, the real estate industry is known to mainly use older school marketing tools to build brand awareness, harvest leads, and close sales. Although newer digital platforms for luxury properties (like social media) are also being used by realtors as time progresses, most of them still rely more on newspaper ads, face-to-face or email networking, word of mouth, referrals, and other traditional marketing tools. This wasn’t until the COVID-19 pandemic brought social media platforms to the center stage. With the lockdown compelling potential buyers to stay at home and limit travels, many are spending more time on social media not only for leisure and connection, but also for product research, shopping, and investing. Social media and the internet, in general, have become a primary source of information for luxury properties buyers in recent years.  In other words, leads are gathering online – a place where traditional real estate marketing can’t reach. So why not meet them where they already are? 


How the Brittany Salesforce adapts the digitalization of sales: Maximizing Social Media Channels for Lead Generation

As forward-thinking professionals, members of the Brittany Salesforce recognize the importance of social media presence in boosting connection with their discerning market. Sellers are maximizing their reach and generating leads on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. They can interact with relevant groups and post some lead-generating and insightful real estate webinars, to reach wider audiences. 

Here is an example of a successful webinar hosted by the Brittany Salesforce:

Radiance – A Spark of Innovation Webinar tackles emerging digital trends in 2021 for luxury real estate. | Photo from Brittany Salesforce official Facebook account


More importantly, digital marketers of the Brittany Salesforce also use targeted Facebook ads for local listings so they can reach the right people on their target locations with the digitalization of sales. Instagram, on the other hand, showcases what makes Brittany homes the leading developer of the most beautiful houses in the Philippines. Marketers pique potential investors’ interest by sharing videos, eye-grabbing luxury homes walkthrough, and stunning images of luxury properties.

Artful living is found on every intricate detail of Portofino mansions in Vista Alabang. | Photo from Brittany Living Instagram (@brittanyliving)

All social media platforms are also a great place to answer audience inquiries and concerns about the process of buying luxury real estate. For instance, realtors from the Brittany Salesforce stay active on Messenger to respond to leads promptly. This rapport builds buyer confidence in the brand that will likely lead to a purchase.

Even as communities are slowly reopening and lockdown restrictions are easing, this newfound purpose for social media is likely here to stay because homebuyers greatly benefit from its convenience. The whole product searching and buying process is shortened as information about luxury homes for sale is available at their fingertips. There is no need to spend time and money on travel costs. Simply connecting to real estate professionals of the Brittany Salesforce online can help buyers virtually explore various luxury properties in the country.


The Need For Consolidated and Easy-to-Digest Real Estate Data

For most homebuyers – especially those who are purchasing their luxury homes for the first time – coming across real estate investment terminologies and data can be quite intimidating. Not all potential buyers have the time and attention span to break down complex product content. This is especially important now that more property investors and homebuyers rely on what they see online for their product research. Real estate professionals should provide consolidated and easy-to-understand data that will easily guide their potential leads to the homebuying process and the real-time market conditions that they need to consider.


How the Brittany Salesforce adapts: Successfully Launching the E-Suite – Brittany’s Digital Platforms for Sellers

Luxury real estate deals with a huge amount of data and media. Brittany Salesforce leverages all this information with easy-to-follow marketing collaterals like comprehensive infographics, price lists, fact sheets, and other e-sales materials containing home-buying FAQs: estimated value appreciation per annum, ROI, deposit terms, and the likes. All Brittany realtors can access these consolidated materials on the E-suite anytime, anywhere, and present them to interested investors. This way, investors can easily understand everything they need to know about acquiring their dream home and skip the rigorous process of extensive self-research. 


Stand Above the Rest – Be a Part of the Brittany Salesforce

Photo of people standing inside city building. | Luxury Homes by Brittany Corporation

Do you have what it takes to be a cut above the rest? | Photo from Unsplash


The pandemic has brought dramatic shifts not only in the robust luxury real estate industry but also in life as people know it. And by the look of things, the digitalization of sales are here to stay. Real estate developers and sales professionals who have recognized the importance of technology, social media presence, leveraging data managed not only to stay afloat but also thrive in the business. Of course, there are still endless possibilities on what the future has in store for the luxury real estate industry. But if there is one thing the previous years have proven to the world, it is that the discerning marketers of the Brittany Salesforce have the skills, tools, and forward-thinking mindset to adapt and come out on top. 



Join the next generation of top-notch real estate professionals in the country. Build a stable career path on a backdrop of growth, rewards, and positive corporate culture. Discover career opportunities here at Brittany by following Britanny Salesforce’s official social channels: LinkedinFacebook, and Instagram. Interested applicants may also send an email of their updated resume to [email protected] or call 794-9999.

Visit Brittany’s official property page to know more about Brittany’s beautiful thematic offerings or follow us on our Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts!

For those who are interested to be a seller for Brittany, visit our E-Suite seller’s portal here.
Concerns on your home? Click on our Vista Land Homeowner’s Portal.

UP NEXT: Sales Tips: How to Maximize Your Digital Presence | Brittany Corporation