Top Locations for Relaxation and Mindfulness
What has been consuming you lately? How do you practice mindfulness meditation in order to combat unnecessary stress, anxiety, and pressure? Considering all the stressors everybody has been dealing with, take for example, the economic crisis, the need to reduce stress is more crucial than ever.
Moreover, it is undeniably true that all these worldwide crises beginning from the pandemic and its effects contributed to the continuously rising number of people who are taking away their lives. With efforts from various organizations and sects to raise awareness about the importance of taking care one’s mental health may it be through stress reduction or practicing mindfulness meditation, there’s an expectation to further elevate the quality of relaxation and mindfulness in all aspects of life.
To reduce stress, various relaxation techniques are created both to bring peace in mind and to treat it as an enjoyable hobby to cope with everyday stress. After all, stress is a huge factor contributing to greater health problems. This is why developing a routine or a habit where quality stress management is integrated daily routine is a must.

Failure to incorporate stress reduction will only to much greater burnout and depression.
Nowadays, mindfulness meditation is also coming into picture in order to serve as a stress response. This is a type of relaxation technique where the person in the midst of a spiraling stress calls the mind to be aware of the present moment in order to calm the mind and the body, lower blood pressure, and get rid of negative emotions.
There is also a relaxation technique called progressive muscle relaxation where the person tenses and relaxes the muscles on his toes and work his way up to his neck and head. It is advisable to do this in a very secluded and quiet place as it requires intense concentration. Furthermore, practicing relaxation techniques got more creative nowadays.
With everybody coming in and out of town or country, to treat traveling as a form of relaxation response is popular among those who have anxiety disorders and other various health problems. And since traveling includes a lot of walking, standing, and moving, it is now being considered as a form of mindfulness practice.
To help you achieve a better quality of relaxation and mindfulness, here are some of the top locations you can tick off of your list that are good for your mental health and help you practice mindfulness.
Tagaytay City
Known as the second summer capital of the Philippines, Tagaytay City is a top location for relaxation and mindfulness. As a matter of fact, it has been a go-to place if you want a quick escapade or weekend getaway. For a city as progressive as Tagaytay City, you will not think for a second that it has healing properties to reduce stress from your body and sooth your muscle tension.
But considering its picturesque landscape, green and vibrant nature, cold weather, and prominent tourist spots, you will find a space for yourself to take a deep breathing and reduce stress. Moreover, given its close proximity to Metro Manila, Tagaytay City is the top location for a rural experience of mindfulness and relaxation where most people can see themselves going back to without leaving the convenience of the metropolis.
Take, for example, Crosswinds Tagaytay, a master-planned community by Brittany Corporation known as a Swiss luxury resort in Tagaytay.
It is a 100-hectare luxury property with various developments that will cater to your desired relaxing and luxury lifestyle. Blanketed by 35,000 homegrown pine trees, Crosswinds Tagaytay is the top location that promotes healthy lifestyle, especially for nature lovers who want to stroll in a landscape of lush greenery. Doing so will definitely help you with improving your mental health and getting rid of any chronic pain and practicing other relaxation techniques with the aid of nature.
In Crosswinds Tagaytay, not only you can enjoy a luxury house and lot situated in a prime location, but enjoy it with the relaxation and mindfulness you can get out of it. You can jog, run, take deep breathing and not be worried about the air you breathe, and be mindful so you can calm your mind and body.

Crosswinds Tagaytay is a top location for healthy lifestyle and luxury living.
Laguna City
If there is an underrated spot for relaxation and mindfulness, that would be Laguna City. If you want to experience complementary therapies through a different kind of healing and relaxation, Laguna City is known for its hot springs and lake resorts.
With hot springs and lake resorts, you can enjoy the peace that clear waters and fresh air brings. There are also waterparks in Laguna City where you can take your relaxation to the next level through the water adventures that water parks offer.
If you are also looking for a luxury development to settle in Laguna City to ensure that relaxation and mindfulness is just one fingertip away from you, Brittany Corporation has a Southern American-themed luxury house and lot for sale development in Brittany Sta. Rosa.
The said development brings nature to you closer which is perfect for stress management and reducing anxiety. Just being surrounded by nature can surely bring a lot of positive changes to the overall well-being and what is a better way to get into that but to resident in a community where nature is fully present at the doorstep of your house.

La Union
If you want to go a little further, considering going to the surfing capital of the Philippines which is in La Union. With all these beautiful beaches, you will definitely enjoy a different kind of refreshment and relaxation here.
Moreover, if you want to enjoy to the fullest your trip to La Union, consider commuting or go on a roadtrip to enjoy the picturesque view and the concept restaurants along the way which you can have a foodtrip on. La Union is also known for its arts and culture scene and so if art brings healing and relaxation to your mind, consider exploring the museums and art galleries in La Union.
If advocacies and projects can bring peace in your mind, consider doing a volunteer work as well at Project Curma. This is a non-profit organization that aims to protect sea turtles at the shores of La Union.
Final Thoughts
Taking care of mental health takes a whole of effort and money now. Some even take the extra mile of going to mental health and integrative health specialists to give them other mindfulness and relaxation techniques in order to take good care of their mental health.
But nowadays, with simple techniques and putting yourself in a location where the environment is conducive and good for your mind and overall well-being, stress management can be manageable.
Furthermore, with traveling become more popular as a new relaxation technique, choosing the top location to go to is more crucial than ever. After all, traveling can be stressful and that’s the least things you would want to happen.
As a matter of fact, did you know that traveling or at least settling in a location where you can relax decreases the risk of heart disease? Furthermore, being settled in a serene space can increase your happiness. Good thing, all these benefits are possible with the locations aforementioned. Go, visit them, and unwind now. You deserve it.